Outside Services for Tenants


The Central LHIN provides two forms of services within the building.  They provide group activities as well as one-on-one therapy sessions

Typical Schedule

LHIN weekly schedule



Onsite Doctor

The building has working a relationship with a local doctor who performs the initial check on new tenants to ensure they are capable of living on their own.  

As part of the agreement, the doctor uses one of the two bedroom units as an office within the building providing a set of hours on two days of the week so that tenants do not need to leave the building.  The office is also set up so tenants could have lab work done.


Seniors Club Title

The Highway Terraces Seniors Club was founded in the early 1990’s for the purpose of encouraging socializing within the residents of Highway Terraces.  The executive team consists of the typical President, Secretary, Treasurer, with the tenants and a great many volunteers.  Members are encouraged to attend the bi-monthly general meetings to discuss & plan events.  A new executive team is selected every May for the upcoming year.

The Seniors Club provideds entertainment and fellowship for those who choose to become members – many of whom are not physically able to leave the building.  Therefore the club holds monthly events providing entertainment  & food.  For example, Halloween Party, Christmas tea, A Robbie Burns night, Valintine’s dinner, St. Patrick’s party and a Spring Fling.  It is all capped off with a Canada Celebration in the large patio garden behind the complex.

Person playing guitar

The club will hire outside entertainment.  Club members pay a small annual membership and there is a minimal charge for each event.  The object of the club is to spend all of the funds for the benefit of the members.

Tenants and their friends are invited to join the club and over the past decades the club has been very helpful in building a sense of community.

Other Activities

Some individuals also take the initiative to start and lead activities within the building.

Tenant Barbeque

With the large back patio garden and the terraces on some of the floors, tenants are encouraged to get together and have barbeques.

Euchre game hand

Euchre Tournament

Some of the tenants enjoy getting together to participate in a friendly euchre tournament.

Cribbage Board image by David Dude from Pixabay

Cribbage Tournament

For a change, some tenants like to get involved in a cribbage tournament.

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